- The application form should be completed in triplicate and a revenue stamp of XCD$5.00 (obtained from the Treasury Department) must be affixed to the application form. At least 48 hours is required for the processing of the license.
- Submit applications for the following products to the relevant Ministry/Department or Agency for approval of entry into St. Vincent and the Grenadines before returning the application Forms to Consumer Affairs/Internal Trade Division.
- For all fish and fish products including canned items, the application form (four copies) must be submitted to the Fisheries Division.
- For all meat and meat products including canned meat, the application form (triplicate) must be submitted to the Veterinary Division, Ministry of Agriculture.
- For all fruits and vegetables, the application form (triplicate) must be submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture.
- For all beers and malt beverages, the application form must be submitted to the SVG Bureau of Standards.