
In a landmark moment of international cooperation and cultural exchange, the city of Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Taipei City, Taiwan, officially became sister cities.

The agreement, designed from a foundation of mutual respect and shared aspirations for collaboration, was signed on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Present at the signing ceremony were Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Dr. The Hon. Ralph Gonsalves, Mayor Wan-An Chiang, Senator Shackell Bobb of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Speaker Tai Hsi-Chin for Taipei City. The occasion which marked the groundwork for what promises to be a fruitful relationship, focuses on advancing cultural exchange, education, economics, and tourism, this collaboration represents a significant step towards fostering understanding and friendship between the two cities.

As a symbol of goodwill and appreciation, Mayor Wan-An Chiang presented Prime Minister Gonsalves with keys to the city of Taipei, signifying the warm embrace of the Taiwanese capital to its newfound sister. Already, the agreement has begun to bear fruit, with plans for scholarships aimed at facilitating the learning of Chinese set to commence as early as September 2024.

As Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Taiwan embark on this journey as sister cities, the City of Kingstown and Taipei stand poised to explore new avenues of cooperation, understanding, and mutual prosperity.




SOURCE: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade